Fluoride Treatment
Dr. Welch and Dr. Schilt may recommend fluoride as part of your overall dental care regimen in order to provide extra protection for your smile. These fluoride treatments stop developing cavities, make your teeth more resistant to acid attacks from plaque, and re-mineralize teeth.
Fluoride treatments can range from using a prescribed toothpaste when brushing to placing fluoride in trays that are worn at night. The doctors and staff at McKenzie River Dental will go over your specific needs, and if you need extra fluoride, will tailor a plan specific to your situation.
Find out more here.
Mouth Guards
McKenzie River Dental offers you and your family a chance to keep your teeth safe during athletic practices and competitions. We make custom mouth guards that fit precisely to your teeth and bite. These mouth guards are extremely comfortable, provide superior protection and allow you to be understood when speaking.
Night Guard
A variety of dental problems are the result of teeth grinding, also known as bruxism. Symptoms can include sensitive teeth, jaw pain, and headaches and ear or neck aches. Bruxism can have serious, long-term effects, such as broken, chipped or cracked teeth.
Our teeth grow longer our entire lives. We also wear them as we chew, but normally the rate of wear is equal to the rate of growth. When the wear exceeds the growth, the teeth begin to get shorter, and it’s then that a bite splint may be necessary.
Once teeth grinding has been diagnosed, we can provide a custom fitted nightguard for your teeth from a simple impression of your top and bottom teeth. The purpose of the splint is to limit grinding, therefore protecting the teeth.